Keeping Track - Of So Many Things!
Mar 15th 2021
Did you know that we created many of the pages at Natalie Rebecca Design because customers requested them? Though many of these pages have pretty specific uses (such as the Menu Planner, Cleaning Plan, and Fitness Tracker), others are intentionally customizable and flexible in nature. They can be added to your disc planner to simplify almost any need! Over the next few months we’re going to be spotlighting a variety of page inserts that are as versatile as they are practical.
This month we’re taking a look at the Keeping Track inserts.
Keeping Track inserts, as their name indicates, are perfect for keeping track of just about anything. They are set up with space for both daily and weekly items and can be used for a variety of different trackable items.
Health Tracker
Have you ever tried to “get back on the wagon” with health goals only to fall rightback off again? It seems that happens more often when you’re not consciously tracking your goals on a regular basis. The list format of the Keeping Track pages works well monitoring specific tasks that can help you achieve your health goals. Write one specific goal on each line: water consumption, step count, calorie or macro intake, timed exercise, proper serving of each food group, vitamins, time for meditation or rejuvenation, minimum hours of sleep, etc. and easily track your daily and weekly progress.
Medicine/Vitamin Tracker
Do you or a loved one have medicines that need tracking? It can be hard to remember what medicines have to be taken when some are once a day, some twice a day, some once or twice a week. If you are someone who has a regular regimen of taking medicines or vitamins, these pages are a great way to track what’s been taken and what hasn’t. If you have a pill that needs to be taken twice a day or twice a week, write it down twice! Using a Keeping Track page in this way can be helpful for those taking medicines regularly, or simply when an illness strikes the family and you have that unexpected extra task to remember. Things always seem a little easier to remember when you write them down.
Routines Tracker
Speaking of taking care of ourselves, it feels so much better to start each day feeling prepared. None of us likes that feeling of waking up (perhaps a few minutes late), realizing we forgot to take care of a few things that needed to be done before we can get out of the house, and racing around all frazzled trying to accomplish everything. Throw kids in the mix of that, and it makes for one *not so smooth* morning. Creating a nightly set of routines that you easily track can help eliminate this sort of frantic stress! Think through the routines you need to do each evening to set yourself up for a good start to your day. Starting the dishwasher, packing lunches, checking backpacks, gathering work items, prepping the coffeemaker (definitely don’t want to forget this!), laying out clothes for the next day, setting the alarm--you get the idea. It’s also a great place to write down things that can get forgotten, like selfcare--your beauty routine, medicines or vitamins, prayer or meditation, devotion reading, etc.
Cleaning/Chore Chart
Trying to keep on top of household chores isn’t always easy to do. Sometimes the week is just busy. Sometimes a season of life is chaotic. Sometimes it’s just not your forte. But other times it’s simply because it’s hard to remember to follow through! Doing a few small chores each day, or a larger one once a week, helps to keep the main upkeep of a house to a manageable level. What are the daily jobs that you can fit into just 10 minutes here or there? Sort the mail, wipe the counters, put the dishes away, sweep the floor, etc. Jot them down on the task list and mark them off each day as you complete them. Chores like collecting the trash or paying bills or decluttering a “gathering spot” might be better suited to weekly tasks. Add them to the bottom of the page and keep track of them as well.
Remember--these pages aren’t just helpful for adults. Kids can help too! You could use one page for each member of your family to keep track of their chore expectations around the house. As the old adage goes, many hands make light work! Plus, having everyone chip in around the house is a great learning experience for contributing to society in the future.
School Assignments Recorder
As we’ve already mentioned, Natalie Rebecca Design pages can help both the old and young alike! It’s never too soon to start teaching positive habits to the younger generation. Especially during this year of online learning, kids and students have had to stay on top of more than they’ve normally been expected to. Tasks like daily reading minutes, online math activities, and current events monitoring can all be tracked using the Keeping Track pages. The pages can also be useful as a ‘double check’ reminder for each class--students can write one class name per line and mark off the daily box when they know they’ve submitted any assignments due for that day. The weekly lines can be useful to highlight when tests or quizzes will be occurring.
Resolutions Tracker
Did you set up a resolution in January that you’re now struggling to keep up with? Using a Keeping Track page is an easy way to track progress on goals and resolutions. Simply add in one or two measurable habits you want to monitor and check off each day as you complete it. Since you’ll only use a few lines for your habits, consider skipping one line and jotting your habits down again to check on the daily progress for your second week. In no time you’ll have a tangible, visual depiction of a month’s worth of progress. Now that’s something to celebrate! The weekly lines at the bottom can be a place for quick notes, reflections, or goal updates. (Need other tips on keeping up with those resolutions? Check out our Resolutions blog.)
A “Must Do” List
You can re-imagine the Keeping Track sheet a little for this one. What items do you want to keep record of so you don’t forget them? Perhaps a list of books you want to read or tv shows or movies you want to see. Maybe there are several new recipes you've been meaning to try out or some local restaurants or breweries you’re wanting to experience. After a year of lock-down, surely many of us have formed that mental list of must-see places to visit. List them down on the Keeping Track pages and check them off when you’ve completed them. If you want to keep yourself accountable or challenge yourself to accomplish one “must do” a month, you could jot the first letter of each month (well, at least seven of them) at the top, rather than days of the week, and aim to read one new book or make one new recipe each month!